Sunday, 2 May 2010

Woolhampton to Newbury

The locks are now coming thick and fast, 9 completed today in the short distance to Newbury. Although we do have help this weekend as Pip & Rog’s son and fiancĂ©e are staying over. We must be getting used to the river a little bit more, we still had strong currents and sluices to contend with and some tricky locks, but we handled them okay. From Newbury it is now canal, until we get to Bath.

001 Monkey Marsh Lock, the second turf sided lock.


Newbury Wharf


Through Newbury, approaching the lock against the very strong current


Waiting for the lock


Town Bridge,1770 – Griffins butchers, famous for Newbury sausages

1 comment:

p-millhouse said...

did you buy some sausages ???